Sleep Disorders, continued (The True Craziness Begins)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Remember this post about my sleep disorders. I was so excited and confident that I was going to take this "magic pill" and all my craziness would go away.

I was wrong.

The first couple of weeks on my new medication, I didn't notice any changes. So I called my doctor and she told me to double what I had been taking.

I did... and that is when the true craziness began.

Day One:

It said to take the medication at bedtime, but the first night I took it about an hour before I went to bed. (You have to take it with food and I don't like eating right before bed.) So, I take the pill and go about my business. Washing my face, making sure Jesse gets outside one more time, putting away laundry... that is when I start to feel funny. My knees just aren't going to work anymore. Tom found me sitting in the closet, crying. Don't ask me why I was crying, I don't know. In fact, I don't even remember crying, but Tom says I was.

Tom helped me to bed at this point and then fell asleep. That is when I remembered that I had a load of laundry in the washer and I wasn't going to let it sit there all night. I stumbled out of bed and barely made it to the laundry room. (I think I might have crawled part of the way.) There was no way I was going to be able to stand and move clothes at the same time, so I sat on the floor (thank goodness for the front-loading washing machine) and proceeded to stick the clothes in the dryer. It was difficult. My arms weren't working either.

I must have woken up Tom, because there he was again, helping me to bed and saying that he would switch the clothes.

As soon as I hit the pillow, I was out.

Day Two:

I was smart this time. I took my medication and hurried to bed. I would like to say that I quickly fell asleep and slept soundly the whole night.

I can't say that though.

I wanted to talk to Tom about something. Some scheduling or something like that. He was in putting Logan to bed, so I forced myself to stay awake. I waited and waited and waited.

Tom didn't come.

He had fallen asleep in Logan's bed.

By the time he came to bed I was a mess. I won't go into details, but it wasn't pretty. There were tears and "plans" (about what, I am not sure) and a lot of strong emotions. It took every little thing I was feeling and multiplied it by a thousand... maybe more.

Oh, poor Tom.

Days Three through Five:

After that I decided that maybe that dose was too high for me. I went back down to the lower dose for a few days, but then the dreams and sleepless nights started again.

Day Six:

I decided to try the higher dose again, but this time to actually go right to sleep when I took it.

Hallelujah, it worked!

I slept through the night and didn't turn into a crazy person.


I still have to be careful not to take the medication too early. One day Tom saw me take it and not head straight to bed.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I need to go wash my face and brush my teeth."

"Well, you better run!"

I don't think he wanted to have to drag me to bed again.


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