Missing Bridget

Saturday, August 14, 2010


When we left Portland, the most heart breaking part was leaving Bridget and her family. Bridget was more than just a cousin to Logan. She was a best friend... an almost-sister... an accomplice in all sorts of fun and mischievous things.

Like putting spells on me.


Her parents became more than just Aunt/Uncle/sibling/in-laws to us also. We were able to become friends in a way that wouldn't have been possible if we hadn't moved to Portland.

We miss them everyday.

When we left, Jennifer made a little photo album for Logan with pictures of all the fun Bridget and him had in Portland. That inspired me to do this post.

I started it in March.

Here it has sat, unpublished, for months and months. I came back time and time again to finish it, but never did. I blamed that on being overwhelmed by all the pictures that I wanted to post. I spent an hour or so going through my picture folders looking for photos of Bridget and Logan.

I found hundreds... and I loved them all.

It was painful, but I finally narrowed them down to around 30 or so. I felt like that was still too many to put into one post, but I just couldn't delete any more of them. I can be stubborn sometimes... and this was one of those times. I uploaded all of them to Photobucket and inserted them here, in this post.

That is when I realized the real reason I never finished this post. Looking at all of the pictures just made me miss Bridget too much, darn it! It made me think about making plans to steal Bridget and move to Alaska with her. I could be happy living in a remote village if I had Logan and Bridget... and Tom too, of course. (Just kidding Byron and Jennifer. Sort of. No, really, I wouldn't do that. Probably.)

Well, this past Monday was Bridget's birthday. Unfortunately, (really, really, really unfortunately) we couldn't be there. Instead, we sent her a DVD with a video of us singing "Happy Birthday" and a slide show of pictures. As Logan and I watched the DVD the other day (for the 50th time) I remembered this post. I was determined to finish it.

So, here I sit.

Instead of making you scroll through all of those pictures, I will just post the video. I think it is precious. I am a little biased though.


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