Onion Tears

Friday, July 16, 2010


As I was dicing up onions the other day, I explained to Logan how they can sting your eyes and make you cry.

"Why do they make you cry?" Logan asked.

As I answered him, he intently watched my face, waiting for the tears to come.


Watching and waiting... watching and waiting.

"You aren't crying."

He sounded disappointed.


Not wanting to disappoint, I moved my eyes a little closer to the onions.

"I might not be crying," I said, blinking like crazy, "but my eyes sure do hurt."

After some urging from Logan, I inched my face closer and closer to the onions. The closer I got, the more pain filled my eyes. Finally, big tears starting rolling down my cheeks.

Logan smiled in satisfaction.

The things you do for your children.


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