Our Exciting Comeback

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life lately has been... well, yeah. I haven't really felt like blogging.

Yesterday morning I found Logan looking out a window, jumping up and down.

The reason...


I know that on some blogs snow might not mean an exciting comeback, but on ours it does. How can life not instantly get better when you see your child jumping up and down in uncontainable excitement.

We spent a good amount of time outside yesterday, having snowball wars, being pulled on the sled (Logan) and fighting off Sith Lords and villans from Batman (those always find a way in).



A lot of the time was also spent throwing snowballs to Jesse.




She is a crazy dog. Her favorite treats are ice and snowballs.

All of those pictures were taken yesterday when we only had a few inches of snow. We are up to about six or seven inches now and pictures from today would have been much more impressive, but we were having too much fun to bother with even my crappy camera phone.

The snow isn't supposed to stop, so we will see what tomorrow brings.


Mom said...

I counted--3 pictures of Logan and 3 pictures of Jesse. You are very balanced in your reporting. I love to see the snow in your yard--not mine.

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