Mother of the Year

Monday, January 10, 2011

I think someone should nominate me for Mother of the Year.

Don't worry, I won't ask you to do that before I give you some examples of why you should nominate me.

I don't want to toot my own horn too much, so I will just give you a couple examples.

1. I spend a lot of quality time with Logan playing games that teach him important life lessons.

What games are these, you ask?

Well, there is Star Wars Battleship that teaches him what to do in case we get attacked by an evil Sith Lord.

There is Lego Batman on the XBOX. That, of course, teaches him hand-eye coordination, since it is a video game, but it also teaches him how to defeat villains like Joker, Two Face, Catwoman, The Riddler and many, many more.

Monopoly, which teaches him about handling money, purchasing land and building houses. Of course, we don't play it the real way and we usually end up just stealing houses from properties without paying for them, so forget about this one.

There are many more, but the most important one, I think, is Bang.


Logan is very serious when it comes to Bang.


Which is good, because it teaches him more than any game we play. First off, it teaches him Italian. See the cards below? They are written in Italian, with the English translation below.

Since I have you looking at the cards, I will point out another important lesson. Notice the card on the right? The one with the gun pointed at the guy's head? Look above the picture to see what the card is called. Yup, panic. You should always panic when a gun is pointed at your head. Very important lesson.


Now I am just going to throw out some quotes from Logan and you will see the other lessons that he learns.

"I am going to take this barrel from you so you can't hide behind it anymore when I am trying to shoot you."


"I just got a Volcanic. Now I can shoot you as many times as I want!"


"Yes! Perfect timing. I was about to die, but now I won't because I just got a beer!!"


"Darn it. I didn't draw a heart. Now I have to stay in jail."


"Aww man, you just killed me!"


"Can we play again, Mom? Maybe I will kill you this time!"


2. I encourage Logan to work on his talents.

I am not going to explain this one. I am just going to post this video.

(Warning: I couldn't bare to cut any of this video out, so it is a little long.)

So, what do you think?

Anyone willing to nominate me?


Unknown said...

I am thinking Sammy will DEFINITELY nominate you Aunt Betsy.

karenjbriggs said...

I love the "boo" and the dancing at the end:) This made my day!!

Sarah said...

Logan had that chorus down! I loved it!

RAL said...

Ha you had our vote at teaching him to play bang. I so can't wait to show Rick this post! Lol!

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