Goodbye Limbo, Hello Reality

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Moving boxes...


More moving boxes...


And yes, even more moving boxes.



Brits said...

Very nice! I want to see it in person though. :)

Sarah said...

It looked nothing like that today. :)

Sarah said...

You should have posted pictures of the permanent marker Rylan colored on your laptop....oh wait that's my reality. :) Logan would never do such a thing....what is it with MY boys????

Sarah said...

uh...don't answer that question. ;)

Betsy said...

Yes, these pictures are about a week too late, but that is what happens when you don't have internet for a week.

And Sarah, stop talking about the laptop! :) It was not big deal and took me 30 seconds to clean off.

Brit, you are welcome to visit (and even stay) any time you want. When are you guys going to be up next?

Lindsay said...

Looks like a gorgeous place! Hope we get to visit you there soon.

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