Tom's Birthday Weekend

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I always said that I wouldn't marry someone younger than me... but I did. I am not sure if it even counts though. Tom is only 2 months and 1 day younger than I am. Most of the time, I can convince myself that he is not actually younger since if asked our age, we would reply with the same number. There are those two months though. Two months where, if being honest, I would have to reply one number higher than Tom. This year was even worse. In August, I had to turn thirty, while Tom was still safe in his twenties.

Today everything is better though. Today Tom has joined me in the thirties.

Happy birthday Tom!!!

We celebrated his birthday all weekend. Here are a few things we did...

-Logan helped me decorate. (I gave him pieces of tape and rolls of streamers and he went at it.)

-We gave Tom his present on Friday, since we are impatient. (Logan and I are impatient, not Tom. Tom could have waited another week. Actually, Tom would have preferred not to get anything at all, but Logan and I are selfish and like to buy him things.)

-We bought Tom his favorite pie... Lemon Meringue. I have made these in the past for his birthday, but as soon as I found out that October is Pie Month, I decided to take full advantage of the pies on sale.

-We all went fishing in the rain. That was definitely a present from me to Tom.

-We went to IKEA, bought dishes and ate meatballs. (That has nothing to do with Tom's birthday, but it was fun.)

-We relaxed at home.

-Last, but definitely not least, we went to a Blazers game.


(Logan at the Blazers game. Taken with Tom's phone.)


Heidi said...

Well tell Tom Welcome to the 30s from us. It's not so bad, huh? :)

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