Friday, April 13, 2007
Logan is at that age now where he has a bruise or scratch most of the time. Unfortunately most of the time they are on his face for the world to see. Here are a couple of good ones.
This bump doesn't look as bad in this picture as it was in real life. It was horrible. The worst part about it is that I sort or caused it. I was walking into the kitchen and Logan ran in front of me. I couldn't stop in time and I sort of pushed him into the cabinet and then he fell to the floor. I felt so horrible. Poor guy.
This one I had nothing to do with. I will blame it on Tom since we were visiting him at work when it happened. Tom really had nothing to do with it though. Logan ran into a table that was the perfect height. He hit is top lip and it bled pretty good. He woke up from his nap and it looked like this. Ouch!
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