Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 31, 2009

I decided that I wanted to do something homemade this year for Logan's costume. I wanted him to be something scary, but he wouldn't go for that. He said that he didn't want to scare anyone.

We looked at a lot of different ideas online before we settled on "A Windy Day". Logan didn't want to wear anything that was too big and bulky, so it was perfect. It was also very, very easy, which I appreciated. Logan's broken arm did hinder us just a tad. He was supposed to carry an umbrella that was inside out (like the wind had blown it that way), but since he only has one fully functioning hand he decided that carrying his candy pumpkin was more important.

Logan had fun with our little photo shoot. It was the first time that Logan was upset when we had to stop taking pictures.







Friday night we went to a Halloween party at a friend's house. I am not sure if it was the Oxycodone that we had just given him, or the excitement of all that sugar, but Logan was hyper and hilarious at the party.

Saturday night we went over to Byron and Jennifer's. Bridget and Logan had fun trick-or-treating in their neighborhood.




Unknown said...

Very cute! Great Photos. Love the hair! The umbrella would have totally taken it to the next level... but I can see how it would have been frustrating carrying a broken umbrella AND a candy basket in the same hand. I wouldn't have done it either.

Heidi said...

What a creative little boy! He is adorable, Betsy. And so grown now. We sure miss you guys! We need to put something on the calendar somewhere, so we can see each other!

Brits said...

That's really funny! You should have attached some balloons to him and told everyone he was Balloon Boy.

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